Thursday, December 31, 2009
2009 Good Riddance
2009 was a really strange year most of my friends moved away and left Ohio. Then I got hitched and I started establishing myself as an attorney and decided I want to focus primarily on being a Guardian Ad Litem. The Buffalo Bills celebrated their 50th season by being absolutely terrible and painful to watch. The Sabres seem to be having a good year and should make the Stanley Cup Playoffs. I live in a ghetto apartment but the way Obama is running the economy it won't be long before everyone lives in a ghetto apartment a la socialism. I was not found of 2009 and I will glad to see it go the way of the dinosaurs. Here is to all my friends and family may 2010 be significantly better than 2009. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the people who have lost loved ones over the past year and I pray for Rush Limbaugh that he may have a quick and full recovery. Also finally I pray that in 2010 Obama will actually govern as the moderate he campaigned as and not rule as a far left partisian nut job like he did in 2009!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Yemen: The New Threat to America
Apparently with the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan punishing and making progress against Al-Qaeda and other terrorists in those countries has cause many militants to seek safe havens elsewhere. It is no surprise to anyone that Somalia and Yemen are emerging as new fronts on the war on terror. Yemen is strained as they are currently engaged in two wars: (1) a civil war against Shia rebels and (2) a war on Al-Qaeda. The recent underwear bomber was trained in Yemen and it is clear that America needs to stand behind Yemen and empower them to fight against the growing threat of extremists in Yemen. Yemen is a fragmented and weak state and this coupled with location and rugged terrain makes it an ideal location for Al-Qaeda and other affiliated agents of terror. The Yemenis are calling on the West to step up their military aid and support in their ongoing campaign against terrorists operating on Yemeni soil. The real question is will the liberals in Congress have the courage to support another military expedition when they are already chomping at the bit to cut and run in Afghanistan. In my opinion, the Iraq war was a distraction and unnecessary but it has helped the liberals to cry foul on any subsequent war. Let this be a warning to President Obama and the liberals in Congress we cannot afford to allow terrorists to operate carte blanche in lawless regions such as Somalia and Yemen. America has to have the courage to fight just and necessary wars while avoiding or delaying attractive though ultimately unnecessary wars and the intelligence and foresight to know the difference.
Update on the Human Waffle: Liberal defense of Secretary of Homeland Insecurity Janet Napolitano and President Obama's lukewarm three day old response Does this explain the odd behavior from the White House you decide? The anti-war rhetoric at the end is hilarious! However, this woman should not be bad mouthing GI JOE I love that cartoon!
Update on the Human Waffle: Liberal defense of Secretary of Homeland Insecurity Janet Napolitano and President Obama's lukewarm three day old response Does this explain the odd behavior from the White House you decide? The anti-war rhetoric at the end is hilarious! However, this woman should not be bad mouthing GI JOE I love that cartoon!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Retraction on Terrorism
Napolitano originally stated that the system had worked when passengers on a flight bound to Detroit stopped a terrorist who attempted to blow the plane up. Today, Napolitano was forced to retract her rash and foolish statement and has since stated that the system failed when a suspected terrorist was allowed to board a plane with explosive material strapped to his body. The question then became when did the system work? When it allowed a suspected terrorist on a no-fly list to fly? When it allowed a man with no passport from Nigeria to travel internationally to America? Or did the system work when it allowed this jihadist to board an airplane and attempt to blow him up? Well even Napolitano that paragon of intelligence and insight had to backtrack and admit that the system had failed in light of all the evidence of failure. It is scary that a person with known terrorist ties and affiliations was allowed to travel internationally with no passport and explosives while he was on a strict no fly list. Furthermore, the man's father had warned the authorities that he suspected his son was engaged in jihadist behavioral and espoused that violent ideology. What did the authorities in the Netherlands and America do the answer is nothing at all! They allowed this man to endanger the lives of innocent people by allowing him to fly in the first place.
This whole situation is laughable because this suspected terrorist on a terror watch list was allowed to board an international flight without a passport and fly. Around 2001, I attempted to enter Canada without a birth certificate and I was detained, questioned and forced to leave Canada. Subsequently, I was informed by a friend who worked for Canadian immigration that I was on a watch list. There are two points to this story: (1) we are less safe in 2009 than we were in 2008 and (2) The arbitrary nature in which Customs and Airport Security works is arbitrary, capricious and ineffective. People have complained about President George W. Bush and his hard handed tactics. I can say this though between President Barack Obama and G.W. I felt much safer under the former POTUS than this current POTUS.
The knee-jerk reactions have already caused airport security around the U.S. to implement more restrictive and ineffective measures designed to make air travel safer, but as the past has show the new measures will only result in two thing frustration and delays. The problem is that terrorists will never stop planning and contriving ways to overcome their perceived enemies and wreck havoc. There was one simple way to prevent this near disaster without causing any discomfort or inconvenience to innocent passengers. DO NOT ALLOW SUSPECTED TERRORISTS ON NO FLY LISTS TO BOARD PLANES!
Finally, arguments that state that focusing on people of Islamic faith and forcing them to go through extra scrutiny is also offensive and will be ineffective to preventing terrorism. We do not need to focus on Islam we need to focus on terrorists and put these people of whatever faith on watch lists and no fly lists to prevent them from harming innocent people. Religion is a red herring it has little to do with terrorism or probability of adhering to violent ideology. Even if you could prove that Muslims are more prone to being terrorists and gut the personal freedoms of Muslims in America the country would not be one percent safer. If we take away people's rights without cause or reason we cease to be a free country. If someone is a known or suspected terrorist then strip search them interrogate them or ban them from flying but do not generalize stereotype or take innocent people's freedom regardless of their religious beliefs.
This whole situation is laughable because this suspected terrorist on a terror watch list was allowed to board an international flight without a passport and fly. Around 2001, I attempted to enter Canada without a birth certificate and I was detained, questioned and forced to leave Canada. Subsequently, I was informed by a friend who worked for Canadian immigration that I was on a watch list. There are two points to this story: (1) we are less safe in 2009 than we were in 2008 and (2) The arbitrary nature in which Customs and Airport Security works is arbitrary, capricious and ineffective. People have complained about President George W. Bush and his hard handed tactics. I can say this though between President Barack Obama and G.W. I felt much safer under the former POTUS than this current POTUS.
The knee-jerk reactions have already caused airport security around the U.S. to implement more restrictive and ineffective measures designed to make air travel safer, but as the past has show the new measures will only result in two thing frustration and delays. The problem is that terrorists will never stop planning and contriving ways to overcome their perceived enemies and wreck havoc. There was one simple way to prevent this near disaster without causing any discomfort or inconvenience to innocent passengers. DO NOT ALLOW SUSPECTED TERRORISTS ON NO FLY LISTS TO BOARD PLANES!
Finally, arguments that state that focusing on people of Islamic faith and forcing them to go through extra scrutiny is also offensive and will be ineffective to preventing terrorism. We do not need to focus on Islam we need to focus on terrorists and put these people of whatever faith on watch lists and no fly lists to prevent them from harming innocent people. Religion is a red herring it has little to do with terrorism or probability of adhering to violent ideology. Even if you could prove that Muslims are more prone to being terrorists and gut the personal freedoms of Muslims in America the country would not be one percent safer. If we take away people's rights without cause or reason we cease to be a free country. If someone is a known or suspected terrorist then strip search them interrogate them or ban them from flying but do not generalize stereotype or take innocent people's freedom regardless of their religious beliefs.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Moonwalker Jihad
Say it isn’t so Michael a moon-walking sequin glove wearing jihadi? Tito or Jermain maybe but not Michael no way I call bull on this allegation. Apparently the authorities feared that terrorists would use the Michael Jackson molestation trial as a soft-target opportunity to launch a terrorist attack on U.S. soil in 2004. At first this article grabbed my attention Michael Jackson with ties to Islamic terrorists then I dug a little deeper and found out this involves those imbeciles from the Nation of Islam. For those who are not familiar with the Nation of Islam they are wannabe black power thugs who masquerade under the banner and pretense of being Muslims when in fact they are simply idiots who have no affiliation understanding or relationship to orthodox Islam. Calling the Nation of Islam members Muslims is like calling the Moonies devout Christians.
Apparently, Michael Jackson had some connections to the Nation of Islam which is just sad and disheartening to me as a rational human being and Jackson fan. Finally, I asked myself why it is news that Michael Jackson was aligned with pseudo-Islamic black power thugs isn't President Obama a pseudo-Muslim who hangs out with Reverend Jeremiah Wright and doesn't his election as Prez mean that anything he says or does is both righteous and pure. Leave Jackson alone he is dead and black power is the new social justice and so in vogue these days.
Apparently, Michael Jackson had some connections to the Nation of Islam which is just sad and disheartening to me as a rational human being and Jackson fan. Finally, I asked myself why it is news that Michael Jackson was aligned with pseudo-Islamic black power thugs isn't President Obama a pseudo-Muslim who hangs out with Reverend Jeremiah Wright and doesn't his election as Prez mean that anything he says or does is both righteous and pure. Leave Jackson alone he is dead and black power is the new social justice and so in vogue these days.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Note to self do not throw snowballs at disgruntled cops! Oh also, the Obama administration promise of transparency and a new era in politics is crumbling as reports filter out that Obamacare is being passed through bribery and shady backdoor deals. Do not worry Nebraska we have you covered here in Ohio just raise our taxes to ensure that Senator Nelson votes yes for socialized health care. There is something definitely wrong in America today from cops bringing bullets to snowball fights to U.S. Senators using federal tax payer money as a slush fund to secure votes the US is sliding into third world status at an alarming rate. VIVA OBAMA! Teachable moment of today: Senators are for sale and cops are cracking down on unsanctioned snowball fights.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Black Power Dude lives below me
I was sitting in my apartment attempting to watch a movie when some person below me starting ranting and raving black power anti-white diatribes. My favorite line was something about not being able to buy liquor or hookers in the ghetto without the white man' s interference this awesome dude ranted for about an hour. I just felt that it was awesome that since Obama's election more and more idiots are rambling about false race issues. Obama is the messiah and his election was supposed to begin a post-racial era in America there was one catch: No one told the black and white racists and they are still up to their same old race-baiting speeches. Obama's election has had zero effect on race relations because race relations are a joke in the sense that people get along with people and misanthropes still hate all humanity but masquerade under various banners to dress up the simple fact that they hate themselves and all of humanity. Race is a red herring and it is way too often played by the American left and the Democratic Party. I feel bad for the Democrats they are in bed with lunatics in order to form a political constituency. Also, I feel bad for the GOP having to be in bed with libertarians and the Christian Right. Bottom line no one cares about myopic and distorted views espoused by all lunatic fringe groups such as my Nation of Islam neighbor. Here is my ten cents "broth" the white man controls nothing more than the black man its all about money and money folds the same in all hands so get a life and stop watching MSNBC, listening to Jesse Jackson and Jeremiah Wright and finally your black power buddies murdered Malcolm.
Black Power Dude part 2
Apparently the 17 year old Black Panther who lives below me is once again expounding on his profound wealth of knowledge and wisdom. He has been ranting about white people for two hours this is the same proud Black Panther who had a white girlfriend less than a week ago and was singing a song about having jungle fever. My personal theory is that this idiot lost a white girlfriend and this has shown him the truly sinister and racist views of all whites in America. What better authority than a failed relationship on which to base your perception of racial politics in America. I hope for Christmas Black Power dude delivers a real zinger of a Black Power rant and I can gather around my non-existent Christmas tree and toast Obama and his historic election which ended racism (?), my neighbor and the baby Jesus. Oh and one last thing when the neighbor was done ranting about white people and how much he hates us he played beatles songs on his guitar. He strummed out songs from the "Abbey Road" album while his mother sang along. I could not make this stuff up if I tried proud Prince of Africa stick it to the man by playing the whitest songs in America via England.
Black Power Dude part 2
Apparently the 17 year old Black Panther who lives below me is once again expounding on his profound wealth of knowledge and wisdom. He has been ranting about white people for two hours this is the same proud Black Panther who had a white girlfriend less than a week ago and was singing a song about having jungle fever. My personal theory is that this idiot lost a white girlfriend and this has shown him the truly sinister and racist views of all whites in America. What better authority than a failed relationship on which to base your perception of racial politics in America. I hope for Christmas Black Power dude delivers a real zinger of a Black Power rant and I can gather around my non-existent Christmas tree and toast Obama and his historic election which ended racism (?), my neighbor and the baby Jesus. Oh and one last thing when the neighbor was done ranting about white people and how much he hates us he played beatles songs on his guitar. He strummed out songs from the "Abbey Road" album while his mother sang along. I could not make this stuff up if I tried proud Prince of Africa stick it to the man by playing the whitest songs in America via England.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I am thankful for Merle Haggard
I am at my roots pure American Hillbilly so I have a deep and dear love for country music and bluegrass music. Mama tried to raise me better and you know the rest . . .
I dedicate this second song to the Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi "if you don't love it, leave it" got that HOSS!
One more song dedicated to the cold winter wind and the collapsing economy to all the families suffering hold on and pray for better days.
I dedicate this second song to the Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi "if you don't love it, leave it" got that HOSS!
One more song dedicated to the cold winter wind and the collapsing economy to all the families suffering hold on and pray for better days.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Running in the Cold
I decided to run outside today in the cold a feat which I had been putting off for approximately two weeks. Well today I caved in and finally gave up I put on my running gloves my running hat and my insulated layers and went jogging into the bitter teeth of winter and I realized that I love winter. I am so glad that President Obama is not going to let a minor detail such as violating the U.S. constitution stop him from saving us from global warming. The reason is because in all seriousness I love the winter and do not want the planet heating up. Forget about the polar bears because well I have never meet a polar bear and frankly I do not care if I ever do meet a polar bear so let them swim in vain or go chew off Al Gore's disgusting face. I want to prevent global warming because I do not like warm weather plain and simple! I love the feeling of walking on a cold winter day and breathing in deep as the air burns my lungs and the tips of my fingers. The feeling of winter is much preferable to the suffocating sticky feel of humid summer nights and besides I do not swim or like being semi-nude for various reasons.
So thank you Mr. Obama for saving the world once again while the Country slips into a deeper recession I truly appreciate your efforts and I know the polar bears do as well. Do not trouble yourself Mr. President with pesky details like the Constitutional requirement that all treaties that bind the U.S. be approved by two-thirds of the Congress that is merely some silly idea dreamed up before you were President probably by that lunatic Bush.
On a serious side note people the Economy is getting better just sit back and listen to the sound of their sirens calling you into the rocks. Get on the Obama express we are heading for paradise! Banks you better pick it up you are making Obama look bad! Please do not make him resort to his private stash because if he has to he will save Christmas with you guessed it OBAMA MONEY!
So thank you Mr. Obama for saving the world once again while the Country slips into a deeper recession I truly appreciate your efforts and I know the polar bears do as well. Do not trouble yourself Mr. President with pesky details like the Constitutional requirement that all treaties that bind the U.S. be approved by two-thirds of the Congress that is merely some silly idea dreamed up before you were President probably by that lunatic Bush.
On a serious side note people the Economy is getting better just sit back and listen to the sound of their sirens calling you into the rocks. Get on the Obama express we are heading for paradise! Banks you better pick it up you are making Obama look bad! Please do not make him resort to his private stash because if he has to he will save Christmas with you guessed it OBAMA MONEY!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Blog as of late
I have not had internet access in approximately ten (10) days because my laptop broke almost two weeks ago that is why I have not been blogging as of late. However, I want to remind everyone that with games in hand the Sabres are red hot 8-2 in the last ten games and have won four straight games to cruise to first place in the division. So far in the 2009-2010 campaign the Sabres are 20-9-2 so at least one team in Buffalo is amazing! GO SABRES BRING HOME THE CUP IN 2010!
Monday, December 14, 2009
BILLS triumphant
Four second half interceptions helped the Buffalo Bills down the Kansas City Chiefs 16-10 on Sunday in Kansas City. Jairus Byrd had his ninth interception of the season to become the Bills all-time leader for interceptions by a rookie. Byrd has been amazing and this interim coach has gone 2-1 so far since Dick Jauron was fired. Bills are 5-8 on the season but face a brutal stretch including a game against New England and finishing on the road against the Colts. Go Bills!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Two of my all time favorite things
Honestly in addition to the Bill and Ted movies this is one movie in the history of cinema that stand above the best for comedy excellence and is probably a movie you have never seen or heard of and that movie is: FREAKED. Honestly this movie changed my entire outlook on life and the few times that I have had the pleasure of meeting someone who has seen and loved this movie have been rare and poignant memories. It is a very select fraternity you will be entering upon seeing this amazing movie and you should not take such an honor lightly. Go out and watch this gem of a movie!
Oh and if you love Terry Gilliam then find this amazing gem as well
When you are ready for bed just put this amazing track on the record player and drift away
Oh and if you love Terry Gilliam then find this amazing gem as well
When you are ready for bed just put this amazing track on the record player and drift away
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Acquittal: Victory for the Defense
Today I had a theft trial and my client was acquitted in under ten minutes! Yes you read that correctly I moved for a motion for directed verdict at the close of the State's case and won an acquittal when the Magistrate granted my motion. I have now moved my record to 2 wins and 2 losses I have crawled back to .500 this victory is sweet because victory for defense counsel are so rare!
On a lighter note, why are people still talking about Tiger Woods he is a loser who cheated on his wife multiple times and was probably high on pills and alcohol when he crashed his car fleeing his golf club swinging wife. If only Mr. Woods were hardline straight edge he would have no issues with the wife and law.
On a lighter note, why are people still talking about Tiger Woods he is a loser who cheated on his wife multiple times and was probably high on pills and alcohol when he crashed his car fleeing his golf club swinging wife. If only Mr. Woods were hardline straight edge he would have no issues with the wife and law.
Developing Story
5 American citizens have been arrested in Pakistan on suspicion of terrorism. Three of the suspects are Pakistani-American and one of the suspects is Egyptian-American and the other is Yemeni-American. Not sure what is going on with this situation because the Pakistani government is not issuing any details at this time. There is no word yet if this five suspects are the five students from Washington, D.C. alleged to be missing whom the FBI was reportedly searching for no word has been released if the five suspects are the allegedly missing students. Update the captured Americans have confessed to entering Pakistan to engage in jihad or holy war.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
ABOUT OBAMA MONEY! Yes when the banks repay that Stimulus money I can finally get my Obama money! Now I know that you are worried about the economy and the rising unemployment but do not worry because the economy is the Republican's fault and not the failed economic policies of Obama. Obama told America yesterday in a speech that the Republicans ruined the economy (even though the Democrats controlled Congress during the majority of the Bush era and would have to approve any legislation) but that it is Obama's job to save the economy. Sound familiar to anyone? It should because Obama gave this speech during the 2008 Presidential Election and immediately after his inauguration and on several other occasions throughout the term of his short Presidency. Bush started America's decline with TARP I and Obama pushed the car off the economic cliff with TARP II believe me there is plenty of blame for everyone. However, it is all irrelevant because the political pundits have forgotten about the ominpotent power of Obama money. Even if Obama's economic plans fail Obama has his stash of Obama money and he can deliver us from destruction after all that's why we voted for him right?
First shoes now tomatoes
Apparently a guy in Minnesota tried to hit Sarah Palin with a tomato. Whether you love or loath Sarah Palin this man is a loser for two reasons: (1) he threw the tomato from the second story and missed by ten feet (2) he threw a tomato what a tool! Apparently the man hit two police officers instead of his intended target, Sarah Palin.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Pakistani Powerhouse defends title
Amir Khan a Pakistani British boxer pummeled his opponent last night in a bout lasting a mere 79 seconds to retain his WBA boxing title. What surprised and somewhat offended me about an article from the Times of London was a mention of the two fighters’ religious beliefs and an ignorant comment regarding God or Allah. Amir Khan is a devout Muslim and his opponent Dmitriy Salita, from Brooklyn, New York is an orthodox Jew. The first thing that occurred to me upon reading this was what does it matter what religion these two fine athletes practice and why did this article even mention their religious beliefs. I follow boxing because I am a fan of the sport of boxing the religion of the fighters is irrelevant to me as a Muslim. At first I dismissed the mention of religious affiliation as a mere passing point but then the writer of the article followed it up with this gem of a line:
I just found this point irrelevant and misleading for one simple reason. Both Salita and Khan share the monotheistic belief that there is one Creator. There are not multiple Gods there is only one God and Mr. Khan and Mr. Salita believe in the one true Creator and they are children of Abraham. In closing, both of these men are God fearing people and I am happy to hear that in a world of classless athletes such athletes still exist and I wish both men the best of luck in their future endeavors.
After the two men, one an orthodox Jew, the other a devout Muslim, had prayed to their respective Gods in their corners as the first bell sounded [.]
I just found this point irrelevant and misleading for one simple reason. Both Salita and Khan share the monotheistic belief that there is one Creator. There are not multiple Gods there is only one God and Mr. Khan and Mr. Salita believe in the one true Creator and they are children of Abraham. In closing, both of these men are God fearing people and I am happy to hear that in a world of classless athletes such athletes still exist and I wish both men the best of luck in their future endeavors.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Islamophobic Nazis
It would appear that all the Christian evangelists are correct the end of the world is upon bring on the apocalypse the boiling seas and the horsemen as neo-nazi islamophobes march in England. Apparently an Anti-Islamic group in England has decided to take Islamophobia to new heights of ignorance and stupidity by throwing Nazi salutes while marching for intolerance. Nothing says rational like Nazis and bashing Islam at the same time what can I say classy!
In other English news the English have an Afghan policy that might actually work! The English government has cut funding to a hotline number which allows the British public to call in and report UFO activity. Citing the fact that no credible evidence of UFOs has been gathered since the programs inception the British government has decided to throw the money into the Afghan war effort. The money diverted will amount to approximately $77,000 USD and will probably be more effective than anything the current U.S. administration dreams up in the Afghanistan campaign.
In other English news the English have an Afghan policy that might actually work! The English government has cut funding to a hotline number which allows the British public to call in and report UFO activity. Citing the fact that no credible evidence of UFOs has been gathered since the programs inception the British government has decided to throw the money into the Afghan war effort. The money diverted will amount to approximately $77,000 USD and will probably be more effective than anything the current U.S. administration dreams up in the Afghanistan campaign.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Funny Joke
George Bush, Queen Elizabeth, and Vladimir Putin all die and go to hell.
While there, they spy a red phone and ask what the phone is for. The
devil tells them it is for calling back to Earth.
Putin asks to call Russia and talks for 5 minutes. When he was finished
the devil informs him that the cost is a million dollars, so Putin writes
him a check.
Next Queen Elizabeth calls England and talks for 30 minutes. When
she was finished the devil informs her that cost is 6 million dollars,
so Queen Elizabeth writes him a check.
Finally George Bush gets his turn and talks for 4 hours. When he was
finished the devil informed him that there would be no charge for the
call and feel free to call the USA anytime.
When Putin hears this he goes ballistic and asks the devil why Bush got
to call the USA free. The devil replied, "Since Obama became president
of the USA, the country has gone to hell, so it's a local call."
While there, they spy a red phone and ask what the phone is for. The
devil tells them it is for calling back to Earth.
Putin asks to call Russia and talks for 5 minutes. When he was finished
the devil informs him that the cost is a million dollars, so Putin writes
him a check.
Next Queen Elizabeth calls England and talks for 30 minutes. When
she was finished the devil informs her that cost is 6 million dollars,
so Queen Elizabeth writes him a check.
Finally George Bush gets his turn and talks for 4 hours. When he was
finished the devil informed him that there would be no charge for the
call and feel free to call the USA anytime.
When Putin hears this he goes ballistic and asks the devil why Bush got
to call the USA free. The devil replied, "Since Obama became president
of the USA, the country has gone to hell, so it's a local call."
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Pick on Pakistan
That seems to be the en vogue thing to do these days to pick on Pakistan and blame the Pakis for not capturing Osama Bin Laden. First Secretary of State Clinton attacked Pakistan for not doing enough to capture Osama Bin Laden and fight Al-Qaeda during her recent "trash our allies" tour through Pakistan. Now the leader of England PM Brown is attacking Pakistan and making the same lame brained argument about not cooperating with turning over Bin Laden. Pakistan's PM Yousuf Raza Gilani responded to Brown's claim by stating
Lately all the liberals have been babbling about Bin Laden in my opinion this blame game is pointless for one simple reason: BIN LADEN IS DEAD! Yes, that is right I am convinced that Bin Laden is dead and burning in hell as we speak. I have seen no evidence to the contrary that this mass murderer is still among the living. There has been no conclusive intelligence or evidence to the contrary and as such I believe that he died in Tora Bora. Now do not get me wrong I am not defending the Pakistani government they have always been and remain a bunch of corrupt cretins but let’s not place blame where it doesn’t belong or try to distort issues unnecessarily.
In related the news the reaction to the Afghan war speech given by President Obama has been universally negative and has been sharply criticized by both liberals and conservatives in the U.S. and the rest of the world. The Obama White House has repeatedly shown that it will throw allies under the bus literally and figuratively speaking. Obama's troop speech bombed in Pakistan and the rest of the world. No one believes in the U.S. under Obama's leadership because he is weak, petulant and comes across as a truckler. His administration seeks to blame others instead of focusing on real objectives and goals from President Bush to the government of Pakistan everything is someone else's fault to President Obama. Maleeha Lodhi a former Pakistani ambassador to the U.S. summed up the regions view of the Obama administration best when she stated:
“I doubt the information which you are giving is correct because I don’t think Osama bin Laden is in Pakistan[.]"
Lately all the liberals have been babbling about Bin Laden in my opinion this blame game is pointless for one simple reason: BIN LADEN IS DEAD! Yes, that is right I am convinced that Bin Laden is dead and burning in hell as we speak. I have seen no evidence to the contrary that this mass murderer is still among the living. There has been no conclusive intelligence or evidence to the contrary and as such I believe that he died in Tora Bora. Now do not get me wrong I am not defending the Pakistani government they have always been and remain a bunch of corrupt cretins but let’s not place blame where it doesn’t belong or try to distort issues unnecessarily.
In related the news the reaction to the Afghan war speech given by President Obama has been universally negative and has been sharply criticized by both liberals and conservatives in the U.S. and the rest of the world. The Obama White House has repeatedly shown that it will throw allies under the bus literally and figuratively speaking. Obama's troop speech bombed in Pakistan and the rest of the world. No one believes in the U.S. under Obama's leadership because he is weak, petulant and comes across as a truckler. His administration seeks to blame others instead of focusing on real objectives and goals from President Bush to the government of Pakistan everything is someone else's fault to President Obama. Maleeha Lodhi a former Pakistani ambassador to the U.S. summed up the regions view of the Obama administration best when she stated:
"President Obama’s speech seems to be more about the politics in Washington’s beltway than credibly addressing a dire situation in the region [.]”
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Memo to Taliban
Apparently Obama in an attempt to appease his liberal fanatic base decided to issue an open invitation to the terrorists in Afghanistan to take a breather and avoid unnecessary casualties. President Obama informed the enemy that he plans to withdraw U.S. ground forces from Afghanistan in July 2011. Why then would the Taliban or Al-Qaeda expend unnecessary resources and send their lunatics into the teeth of a lion when they can simply wait for the lion to give up and leave. Showing the enemy your hand in a time of war is generally an amateur move and a sure fire recipe for failure. The truly mortifying thing about this bit of idiocy by our President is that he has effectively told our troops that they are fighting a war he has no serious intention of winning. It is beyond tragic that our President is going to send 30,000 young men and women into a region ripe with death and injury with the decision made in advance to not follow through with the objective of ultimately defeating the terrorists and making the world a safer place. Mr. Obama please stop the charade if you are not qualified or willing to lead our Armed Forces competently please step down before more Americans die in vain due to your incompetent attempts to appease your liberal base while still appearing dedicated to America's military. It is true that when someone attempts to be please everyone all the time they end up failing everyone.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Apparently the Swiss voted to ban the construction of minarets on Islamic masjids. This is completely unjustifiable and has no plausible explanation other than bigotry and hatred. When the populous of a country sets out to restrict and oppress the free expression of one religion and one religion only that is intolerable, unacceptable and completely inexcusable. Just as Muslims must tolerate other religions and their beliefs and learn to assimilate and live in non-Muslim countries it is also incumbent upon non-Muslim countries to treat Muslims with respect. This Swiss movement to ban minarets by popular vote is simply the latest outrage in an ongoing campaign by some in Switzerland to spread Islamophobia which included the following signs of tolerance: campaign posters showing white sheep kicking a black sheep off the Swiss flag and another with brown hands grabbing eagerly for Swiss passports. Also apparently not simply content with voting for Islamophobic constitutional amendments some vandal decided to desecrate the main masjid in Geneva last Thursday. Switzerland used to play on its image of tolerance apparently this image was merely a smoke screen masking the ugly face of intolerance.
It is tempting for people who do not like Islam for a litany of reasons to simply dismiss this as irrelevant or inconsequential. However, it is important to remember that basic disregard for the freedoms of any individual is a dangerous erosion of the freedoms of all people. If a majority of people can get together and vote away fundamental rights based on whims and passing fancy then it might not be long before all religious freedoms are crushed under the boot of secular disdain. Religious freedom is a fundamental human right guaranteed to us by the grace of God not to be taken lightly or abridged, abbreviated or amended by the laws of mere men.
It is tempting for people who do not like Islam for a litany of reasons to simply dismiss this as irrelevant or inconsequential. However, it is important to remember that basic disregard for the freedoms of any individual is a dangerous erosion of the freedoms of all people. If a majority of people can get together and vote away fundamental rights based on whims and passing fancy then it might not be long before all religious freedoms are crushed under the boot of secular disdain. Religious freedom is a fundamental human right guaranteed to us by the grace of God not to be taken lightly or abridged, abbreviated or amended by the laws of mere men.
I am loving this holiday weekend lots of good food, eating chocolate cake, the Sabres end their losing streak with two wins and the Bills win! The Bills did not just win they ended up routing the Dolphins in the fourth quarter outscoring the Dolphins 24-0 to come from seven down and win 31-14. I think it is hilarious that everyone doubted the Bills and predicted an ugly blowout but the Bills came up big at home and for the first time this season finished strong in the fourth quarter. T.O. is heating up and has had two strong g ames in a row. Since firing Dick Jauron the Bills have seemed fresher and more dangerous their offense is opening up and they are actually competing in games so far since Jauron left we are 1-1 not bad and have been competitive in the game we lost. Life has never felt so good at 4-7 as I felt today eating a giant slice of triple chocolate cake and watching highlights of the Bills game. For at least one weekend, life is good again in Orchard Park, New York. GO BILLS!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I give thanks for JIM KELLY
First of all, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone across the world! I hope that this holiday you are with loved ones enjoying what Allah has provided for his creations. Also I would like to take the time to say thank you to Jim Kelly, former quarterback of the Buffalo Bills for being amazing and all the memories past and present that he created for Bills fan. Mr. Kelly in his wisdom has issued the following proclamation regarding the state of affairs in Orchard Park, NY: To win Buffalo needs a franchise quarterback and Trent Edwards has to go! Mr. Kelly I could not agree more and I am hoping that in the 2010 draft the Bills can somehow procure Tim Tebow. This could prove tricky considering how many terrible teams are in the NFL this season. I am not necessarily opposed to the Bills lose their remaining games if it will mean they can draft a franchise quarterback like Tim Tebow. Only one major problem with Tebow he is a Florida Gator and I hate the Florida Gators! However, the Bills last great QB was also from a Florida college Jim Kelly attended the University of Miami. Maybe there is some magic in Florida QBs playing in BUFFALO lets hope so and let’s hope the Bills draft Tebow and return to prominence.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Best Buy Ad Uproar
Apparently Best Buy has issued an advert which wishes Muslims a happy Eid Al-Adha and people are freaking out and criticizing Best Buy for this advert. This advert was released before Eid Al-Adha which begins the day after Thanksgiving. The uproar over this advert on both sides is irrelevant and unnecessary for various reasons. First of all, Best Buy is a business and made a decision to try to capitalize on the tendency of Muslims to give gifts to each other on Eid Al-Adha by advertising their wares and acknowledging the holiday. Secondly, as a business Best Buy can advertise in any manner they deem appropriate and finally what is wrong with acknowledging various holidays. People are griping that Best Buy does not acknowledge Christmas in its adverts I am not sure if this is true or not. However, if Best Buy is actively dissing Christians in a predominantly Christian nation then Best Buy is making a big mistake from an economic stand point. Bottom line Best Buy acknowledges Muslims and our holidays which are positive but overall irrelevant and unimportant Eid Al-Adha has nothing to do with Best Buy or consumerism. Eid Al-Adha is a holiday celebrated by Muslims (including the Druze) worldwide to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismael as an act of obedience to God. It is time to celebrate and share faith and time with family so let’s focus on the real spirit of the holidays and drop the partisan sniping and backstabbing.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Obama has a decision on Afghanistan BUT...
Obama has a plan but he cannot tell us what his brilliant plan is for another week! The Obama administration has announced it will reveal its Afghan strategy on Tuesday December 1, 2009 Apparently, Obama has finally made up his mind about the policy that his administration will pursue in Afghanistan and he did it before Christmas! Apparently, now that Obama feels that his unwanted and unnecessary attempt to ruin the American Healthcare system is safely proceeding forward he can actually focus on being the Commander in Chief of the United States Military. I only pray that Obama will break his mold of incompetence and bumbling and actually unveil a plan to win the war in Afghanistan next Tuesday but I am not holding my breath.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Hibah and I have a new nephew by the name of Miraaj Maqsood. Miraaj Maqsood was born last Sunday November 22, 2009 in Doha, Qatar. He is as cute as a button! Here is the exclusive first picture:
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Well ladies and gentlemen it was a bad weekend for Buffalo sports teams and for my poor aching heart. Bury my heart in Buffalo! First off the Sabres fought hard but went down in OT Friday to the Bruins 2-1 for their second straight loss on Friday. On Saturday the Sabres had Lalime in goal and got stomped 5-3 by the Ottawa Senators. Patrick Lalime is completely and utterly worthless he needs to be punched in the face and then waived by the Sabres. From bad to worse the Buffalo Bills lose a heartbreaker in the 4th quarter to the Jacksonville Jaguars 18-15 in Jacksonville. The Bills go late into the 4th leading 15-10 then the Jags drive down to the Buffalo 2 yard line and the Bills hold tough but under a minute they succumb and give up a touchdown and 2pt conversion. Bills fall to 3-7 on the season. T.O. had a monster game and Fitzpatrick looked decent today with 1 td and 2 ints but the second INT was a garbage pick when he was forced to throw at the end of the game. I am encouraged by the new coaching and they way the Bills played for 98 percent of this game. GO BILLS STOP BREAK MY HEART!!!!
The only two bright spots in my weekend of pain and suffering were the Toledo Rockets and the Ohio State Buckeyes. The Rockets made me smile and shout by stomping the winless Eastern Michigan Eagles on Friday night 47-21. Toledo improved to 5-6 in what has been a real up and down season under our new head coach. Toledo can smash their rivals in Bowling Green and finish strong at 6-6 to salvage the season. Toledo let’s stomp those pathetic Falcons and finish strong.
The only two bright spots in my weekend of pain and suffering were the Toledo Rockets and the Ohio State Buckeyes. The Rockets made me smile and shout by stomping the winless Eastern Michigan Eagles on Friday night 47-21. Toledo improved to 5-6 in what has been a real up and down season under our new head coach. Toledo can smash their rivals in Bowling Green and finish strong at 6-6 to salvage the season. Toledo let’s stomp those pathetic Falcons and finish strong.
Friday, November 20, 2009
I am taking a short break from blogging I feel burned out and depressed by the recent events in the world. I am going to focus all my energy on watching nature shows and relaxing. I am currently watching the Planet Earth Series. Getting back to my root when I used to wear He-Man pajamas and watch Wild America with Marty Stouffer.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
According to Reverend Jesse Jackson the world famous racial agitator you cannot vote against ObamaCare and consider yourself black. Jackson's comment was a thinly veiled attack on Rep. Artur Davis, D-Ala the sole member of the Congressional Black Caucus to vote against Obamacare. Apparently, Rep. Artur Davis black since birth can no longer call himself black because he voted against Obamacare. Rep. Artur Davis has not commented on his newly undefined racial status but if he continues to oppose Obamacare I will be glad to accept him if the CBC no longer wants him. This just further cements the fact that Reverend Jesse Jackson is nothing more than a buffoon and a race baiting agitator who thrives by creating drama and undermining race relations.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Alhamdulillah! Ralph Wilson, owner of the Buffalo Bills, has fired head coach Dick Jauron after the Bills started their 50th season 3-6. Every since Dick Jauron has come to Buffalo things have slowly slide south into the gutter and I honestly wanted to believe in Dick Jauron. Believing in Dick Jauron delivered a bitter fruit and provided very little joy. I am rejoicing that Dick Jauron has been fired and a new interim coach has been appointed. I only pray that the Bills can salvage an 8-8 finish and then rebuild in the offseason. Note to the Cleveland Browns it is not too late to can Mangini and feel the rare joy in a terrible season that accompanies an incompetent being fired. Now the real question is will the Bills finally get it right and hire a real head coach. I am not holding out hope for Ralph Wilson actually allowing the Bills to succeed and so the debate begins: WHO WILL LEAD THE BILLS?
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Apparently Obama and the liberals have decided that global warming or climate change is real and that disputing this fact is not protected first amendment speech and can be silenced. Apparently two climate experts at a little outfit called the EPA published a video disputing cap and trade and its ability to control climate change well this did not go over to well at the White House. Laurie Williams and husband Alan Zabel worked for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for more than 20 years, they put out a video questioning among other things the motive and effectiveness of the proposed cap and trade or as I call it cap and tax. Initially the married couple received permission from their boss at the EPA to release the video but then they were subsequently told to take the video down or face disciplinary action! This is bone-chilling if you attempt to exercise your constitutional right to free speech and Obama does not like it you can be sanctioned and potentially find yourself unemployed.
Here is the video the Obama WHITE HOUSE does not want you to see!
Here is the video the Obama WHITE HOUSE does not want you to see!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Liberal Hit List
Apparently the liberals have made "hit lists" for the democrats with the audacity to vote against Obamacare. The hit list basically consists of the names of all the democrats who voted against Obamacare then asks their lunatic fringe to do everything in their power to defeat these democrats. Essentially, the far left-wing socialists want to target and destroy any opposition, dissent or free thought still left in the Democratic party. If you do not worship at the altar of the Messiah OBAMA apparently you deserve to be forcefully removed from office. The scary thing about this left-wing lunatics is that they are playing for keeps and they could care less what the American people think feel or want and that if these lunatics have their way there will be no moderate democrats just militant socialists.
So it should come as no suprise to anyone that the Buffalo Bills are still horrible and the bye week did very little to help them find direction or motivation in this season in the abyss. The Bills managed to tie the game at 17 heading into the 4th quarter but then somehow managed to throw the game away and give up 24 fourth quarter points to fall to the Tennesse Titans 41-17. However, on the bright side of things Jairus Byrd remained awesome grabbing another pick to take his season total to 7 and make him one of the only positive things about the Bills this year. Jairus Byrd is amazing and the greatest part he is only a rookie! Trent Edwards did allright today at QB but he threw a pick late in the game which sealed the loss for the Bills. I believed in Edwards but now I believe it is time to draft a franchise quarterback and let Edwards fade into oblivion. Bottom line the Bills are awful but the Sabres are red hot as the weather gets cold. Time to put away your Bills gear, fire Dick Jauron, hire an offensive coordinator, draft a QB and watch the Sabres with a cup of hot cocoa.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
It is hard to put into words how naive and stupid the Obama administration decision to try the 9/11 mastermind and other jihadists in Federal Court instead of before a military tribunal really is and also how dangerous of a precedent it sets. This decision by Attorney General Holder and President Obama is a slap in the face to the families of the 9/11 victims and to the American public in general. By giving the terrorists a platform to spew their vile hatred and murderous ramblings Obama has dealt the security and integrity of the United States a real blow.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
It should come as no suprise that Obama has decided to do nothing in regards to the war in Afghanistan when faced with the tough decision on how to proceed in a war that is quickly slipping into oblivion. Obama stated today that he is rejecting all of the current proposals and that he wants new ideas. What Obama is really saying is I am not qualified to be President and I do not want to win this war thus enflaming the ire of my super leftist constinuency. Obama is beginning to look at like a hybrid of LBJ and Nixon he is paranoid and making enemies lists and he is refusing to allocate military resources to win a tough war while American troops continue to die. Mr. President stop being a coward and make a decision!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
10% percent of Mosques in America preach terror
According to a recent article that I read approximately 10% of Mosques or Masjids in America preach jihadist or terror inspired messages according to the FBI. As a Muslim, I feel compelled to talk about and share this article and to say I personally have never been to a mosque which preaches Anti-American or jihadist policies or sermons. However, I am not disputing that such mosques exists as I have heard from other Muslim that such mosques exist in NYC. A friend informed me that he went to such a mosque one Friday for Jummah prayer and was offended by the Anti-American messages espoused in the sermon. I would suggest to all Muslims if you find yourself in such a mosque call the authorities and stop frequenting such vile and despicable places. Unlike President Obama you cannot use the excuse that you never heard your Reverend say "GODDAMN AMERICA!" you have to vote with your feet and exit the mosque and report such activity to the proper authorities.
All Muslims have a duty to uphold and obey the laws of the country in which they live. As American Muslims that means that we have a duty and a responsibility to identify isolate and root out extremists in our midst and expose them to authorities. Boittom line there are mosques that preach hate-filled messages just like there are synagogues and churches which preach similar narrow minded ideological messages these places should be avoided, marginalized and shut down.
All Muslims have a duty to uphold and obey the laws of the country in which they live. As American Muslims that means that we have a duty and a responsibility to identify isolate and root out extremists in our midst and expose them to authorities. Boittom line there are mosques that preach hate-filled messages just like there are synagogues and churches which preach similar narrow minded ideological messages these places should be avoided, marginalized and shut down.
D.C. SNIPER Executed
The D.C. sniper was executed last night by lethal injection and by the time this story made the presses he was in hell where he belonged. Apparently he maintained his innocence to the end but the evidence against John Allen Muhammad was rock solid and he was given the proper sentence of death. Attempts have been made to trump up the fact that John Allen Muhammad was a Muslim and that his murderous rampage was some act of jihad these claims are nebulous at best. What is really telling about John Allen Muhammad is that he did not ask for any religious instruction or prayer prior to this death sentence being carried out. Any religious person would meet with a religious leader to prepare their soul for death and the afterlife it is clear from all reports that John Allen Muhammad did not because he was not a man of God he was a coward and a evil man who received more mercy in death than he ever afforded his victims.
Whatever John Allen Muhammad's motives his actions were unexcusable and his claims of innocence were pathetic and empty. I can still remember the D.C. sniper incident and the paralyzing fear that gripped America and the terror that all Americans felt when leaving their homes. People like John Allen Muhammad are the worst sorts of criminals because they try to take away people's freedom and joy by terrorizing them with the threat of cowardly violence. Good riddance to John Allen Muhammad!
Whatever John Allen Muhammad's motives his actions were unexcusable and his claims of innocence were pathetic and empty. I can still remember the D.C. sniper incident and the paralyzing fear that gripped America and the terror that all Americans felt when leaving their homes. People like John Allen Muhammad are the worst sorts of criminals because they try to take away people's freedom and joy by terrorizing them with the threat of cowardly violence. Good riddance to John Allen Muhammad!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Our President Barack Obama has rejected an invitation to attend a ceremony in Berlin to celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall citing scheduling conflicts. It is now more apparent than ever that our President does not want to acknowledge the accomplishments of President Reagan and the defeat of the Soviet Empire. Perhaps Obama is afraid that Russia will be offended or upset by his endorsement of freedom and democracy or is it that Obama was too busy cramming socialized medicine down our throats. America needs to flush this loser in 2012 and get out his cronies in 2010.
The man behind the massacre
Of course as soon as the Fort Hood shooter was identified as a Muslim he suddenly became a "devout" Muslim and the attack on Islam began. His family did help contribute to the image of the murderer being a "devout" Muslim but this is not surprising what family member wants to describe their loved one as irreligious and horrible. Certain members of the media have harped on the fact that he is a devout Muslim and that he claimed to be a Muslim first and an American second. Here is a news flash for those making attacks on Islam as a whole: Hasan was a terrible Muslim and a worse American who deserves the death penalty. It is clear to anyone familiar with this case that Hasan was an American in name only and did not appreciate the honor and privileges afforded to him by birth in these United States of America.
I should point out that the problem with the media is that anytime a "religious" person commits a crime the fact that they are "religious" is splashed front and center in the news. This is true whether the person in question is Christian, Muslim or Jewish. The problem is that the secular humanists want to discredit and defame people of faith. If a murder is an agnostic or atheist we scarily hear about their views when hearing reports on their infamous actions but if they believe in God then somehow faith becomes a front and center issue. It is sad because a lot of religious people spend time attacking other religions and this weakens all believers in the fight against sin and secularism. I believe in a secular democracy but I also believe in the right to worship Allah with absolute freedom and respect. Instead of fighting with other people of faith we should embrace our common love of Allah or God and spread our positives values and beliefs to make America stronger.
However, in this case it also appears that the murderer and coward Hasan is also a low-life who regularly attends strip clubs, buys lap-dances from nude dancers and drank alcohol. As a refresher for Non-Muslim alcohol is considered haram or forbidden in Islam and strip clubs are definitely not appropriate in any religion. The picture is beginning to take shape this murderer was a low-life a pervert and a coward he was a Muslim in name only and his crimes belong on his soul and his soul alone. As for the idiots who are praising this murderer you are pathetic and if you hate America leave and then leave us freedom loving Muslims and Non-Muslims alone to live in peace. Muslims around America are praying for the families of the dead and wounded at Fort Hood.
Apparently, the Islamic Society of North America has set up a fund to collect money for the families that lost so much in the massacre at Fort Hood. Here is a LINK to donate money to help the families affected by the Fort Hood Massacre.
In my opinion although Hasan was not formally associated with a terrorist organization he espoused terrorist views and that made him an enemy combatant fighting in league with the enemies of the United States of America and the dead and wounded servicemen deserve the Purple Heart. I just hope and pray that America will look at this tragedy objectively and not blame the millions of Muslims in America who live here peacefully and are horrified by terrorists and their murderous ways.
I should point out that the problem with the media is that anytime a "religious" person commits a crime the fact that they are "religious" is splashed front and center in the news. This is true whether the person in question is Christian, Muslim or Jewish. The problem is that the secular humanists want to discredit and defame people of faith. If a murder is an agnostic or atheist we scarily hear about their views when hearing reports on their infamous actions but if they believe in God then somehow faith becomes a front and center issue. It is sad because a lot of religious people spend time attacking other religions and this weakens all believers in the fight against sin and secularism. I believe in a secular democracy but I also believe in the right to worship Allah with absolute freedom and respect. Instead of fighting with other people of faith we should embrace our common love of Allah or God and spread our positives values and beliefs to make America stronger.
However, in this case it also appears that the murderer and coward Hasan is also a low-life who regularly attends strip clubs, buys lap-dances from nude dancers and drank alcohol. As a refresher for Non-Muslim alcohol is considered haram or forbidden in Islam and strip clubs are definitely not appropriate in any religion. The picture is beginning to take shape this murderer was a low-life a pervert and a coward he was a Muslim in name only and his crimes belong on his soul and his soul alone. As for the idiots who are praising this murderer you are pathetic and if you hate America leave and then leave us freedom loving Muslims and Non-Muslims alone to live in peace. Muslims around America are praying for the families of the dead and wounded at Fort Hood.
Apparently, the Islamic Society of North America has set up a fund to collect money for the families that lost so much in the massacre at Fort Hood. Here is a LINK to donate money to help the families affected by the Fort Hood Massacre.
In my opinion although Hasan was not formally associated with a terrorist organization he espoused terrorist views and that made him an enemy combatant fighting in league with the enemies of the United States of America and the dead and wounded servicemen deserve the Purple Heart. I just hope and pray that America will look at this tragedy objectively and not blame the millions of Muslims in America who live here peacefully and are horrified by terrorists and their murderous ways.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Obama's health care debacle narrowly passed in the U.S. House of Representatives tonight as the end becomes more visible every hour. Apparently the vote was very narrow 220-215 but Pelosi and Reid managed to pull it off by the skin of their sharpened fangs. The fact that a Democrat controlled House of Representatives so narrowly passed this horrifying health care bill should be alarming to Obama and the Democrats but they do not care about what the majority of Americans believe or want. For the first time in my adult life I am horrified by what America is becoming one incremental and deliberate step at a time.
In our prayers
Yesterday at Jummah prayer our Imam asked the congregation of Muslims gathered for prayer to pray for the dead and wounded at Fort Hood. He reminded us that the murderer was a lunatic and a madman and the fact that he claimed to be a devote Muslim was irrelevant given the fact that his actions contradicted the teachings of ALLAH. I have been very upset by the massacre at Fort Hood and was relieved to find out that my sister and her family was not harmed in the rampage as her husband is stationed at Fort Hood. I have been praying for the dead and wounded and their families to find peace in this time of pain and suffering.
I only hope that in the midst of this tragedy the American public will not allow itself to follow prey to the natural instinct to blame Islam in general and stereotype Muslims especially the tens of thousands of Muslims who serve proudly and honorably in the U.S. Armed Forces. As a Muslim-American I believe in this country and its constitution I reject anyone or anything that would threaten or harm America or Americans of all races and religious denominations.
I found an opinion article on FOX news that really resonated with me and I have provided the link so that more people can read it. The article was written by Geraldo Rivera and it is very insightful and helpful in this climate to find a positive message thanking Muslim soldiers for their service to God and Country in the U.S. Armed Forces.
I am deeply disturbed by the number of so called "conservative" blogs criticizing Islam as a whole for the horrific actions of one lunatic who claims to be a Muslim. Has anyone asked the religion of the lunatic who went to his former place of employment and opened fire killing one person and wounding several others. If I had to take a wild guess I would assume that lunatic in Florida was a Christian but no one ever mentioned his religion because he was not a Muslim and because his religion like the religion of the Fort Hood shooter is irrelevant. It is nothing but the most base ignorance to condemn Islam and all Muslims for the actions of a few lunatics. As for the Fort Hood shooter I reject his claim that he is a Muslim and I pray that he will be given the death penalty for his unforgivable and despicable crimes against humanity.
I only hope that in the midst of this tragedy the American public will not allow itself to follow prey to the natural instinct to blame Islam in general and stereotype Muslims especially the tens of thousands of Muslims who serve proudly and honorably in the U.S. Armed Forces. As a Muslim-American I believe in this country and its constitution I reject anyone or anything that would threaten or harm America or Americans of all races and religious denominations.
I found an opinion article on FOX news that really resonated with me and I have provided the link so that more people can read it. The article was written by Geraldo Rivera and it is very insightful and helpful in this climate to find a positive message thanking Muslim soldiers for their service to God and Country in the U.S. Armed Forces.
I am deeply disturbed by the number of so called "conservative" blogs criticizing Islam as a whole for the horrific actions of one lunatic who claims to be a Muslim. Has anyone asked the religion of the lunatic who went to his former place of employment and opened fire killing one person and wounding several others. If I had to take a wild guess I would assume that lunatic in Florida was a Christian but no one ever mentioned his religion because he was not a Muslim and because his religion like the religion of the Fort Hood shooter is irrelevant. It is nothing but the most base ignorance to condemn Islam and all Muslims for the actions of a few lunatics. As for the Fort Hood shooter I reject his claim that he is a Muslim and I pray that he will be given the death penalty for his unforgivable and despicable crimes against humanity.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
My thoughts and prayers are with the soldiers and their families at Fort Hood and with the families of the dead and wounded. This strikes close to home I have family stationed on Fort Hood. My sister her husband and my young niece are all stationed at Fort Hood. I pray for the dead and wounded that they recover or find peace in this most trying of times. Thankfully, my family members located on Fort Hood were not harmed in the attack and for that I thank and praise Allah. Apparently an American soldier by the name of Major Malik Nadal Hasan was behind this massacre and it has been released that he was a Muslim. As a Muslim I am horrified and sickened that a so called "Muslim" would murder innocent people and endanger the lives of my loved ones and other patriots serving their country at Fort Hood. Whatever his motives his actions were cowardly, despicable and inhumane.
I feel sorry for the President at times he is beseiged by his ultra-liberal constituents and radical special interest groups and blamed for not turning water into wine. Apparently gay rights activists are blaming Obama for not vigorously supporting the Gay Marriage issue on the ballot in Maine. In Maine voters voted to repeal a law which would allow and recognize same sex marriage in that state. Apparently gay rights activists believe that Obama should have been more vocal in supporting this law the irony is that Obama represents the Federal government and this was and remains a states' rights issue.
As the head of the Federal government Obama does not speak for or represent the views of the voting citizens of Maine. My personal thoughts on gay marriage are mixed, but I strongly believe that each state should be allowed to vote on the issue and the prevailing side should have their say. Every single state which has put gay marriage on the ballot has seen the voters of each state reject gay marriage at the ballot box. In other words, gay marriage has never been approved by voters in any state in which it has been a ballot issue. The only states which recognize gay marriage have either passed laws by judicial precedent or legislation that was not subject to a public vote. I am personally against this imposition of morality by hook and crook. If you are a proponent of gay marriage then put the issue on the ballot and let the voters of that state decide in a fair and democratic matter. Do not use special interests lobbying and judicial fiat to to thwart the will of the people.
I am not opposed to the idea of civil unions or a new designation for homosexual matrimony I have some qualms with calling it marriage. However, I stated earlier if this issue is placed on the ballot in Ohio and the majority of voters vote to approve same sex marriage then I will say congratulations gay may now marry. Also in regards to the ultra-liberal left do not blame the President everytime a part of your agenda is rejected by America he is the President not the Messiah. Bottom line the voters of Maine rejected a law that allows gay marriage for better or worse that is the rub so just move on and stop whining and pointing fingers.
As the head of the Federal government Obama does not speak for or represent the views of the voting citizens of Maine. My personal thoughts on gay marriage are mixed, but I strongly believe that each state should be allowed to vote on the issue and the prevailing side should have their say. Every single state which has put gay marriage on the ballot has seen the voters of each state reject gay marriage at the ballot box. In other words, gay marriage has never been approved by voters in any state in which it has been a ballot issue. The only states which recognize gay marriage have either passed laws by judicial precedent or legislation that was not subject to a public vote. I am personally against this imposition of morality by hook and crook. If you are a proponent of gay marriage then put the issue on the ballot and let the voters of that state decide in a fair and democratic matter. Do not use special interests lobbying and judicial fiat to to thwart the will of the people.
I am not opposed to the idea of civil unions or a new designation for homosexual matrimony I have some qualms with calling it marriage. However, I stated earlier if this issue is placed on the ballot in Ohio and the majority of voters vote to approve same sex marriage then I will say congratulations gay may now marry. Also in regards to the ultra-liberal left do not blame the President everytime a part of your agenda is rejected by America he is the President not the Messiah. Bottom line the voters of Maine rejected a law that allows gay marriage for better or worse that is the rub so just move on and stop whining and pointing fingers.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Letter to President Obama and the RNC
Dear President Obama,
Have you gotten the message yet? America rejects your destructive socialist policies and agenda. Furthermore, Mr. President we the American people will vote all of the tax and spendaholics out of office until you get the message. Thank you New Jersey! Virginia way to show the Democrats that your state is not a purple state. Conservatism is on the rise Mr. President and we will go down swinging before we let you destroy our beloved America through weak foreign policy and socialist domestic policy. The White House does not get it though they said the Democrats lost because the voters focused not on Obama but on the poor economy. Who is responsible for the terrible economy? The answer is obvious Obama is responsible for destroying the economy and the voters responded by voting Republican. Also Obama campaigned for the Democrat in New Jersey in fact campaigned for both Corzine and Deeds, making five stops for Corzine and appeared in their advertisements. Apparently the voters were not impressed!
Dear RNC,
You should be ashamed of yourself for backing and appointing fake Republicans. The Democrats won in the 23rd District of New York because the Republican Party handed the victory to the Democrats. The Republicans have not learned that people do not support liberals masquerading as Republicans. They failed to support the true conservative and the ensuing confusion delivered the day to the Democrats. The sad thing is that Owens the Democrat is more conservative than the proposed Republican candidate who dropped out of the race and supported the Democrat. I have not mentioned the "Republican" candidate by name because she is such a loser!
Have you gotten the message yet? America rejects your destructive socialist policies and agenda. Furthermore, Mr. President we the American people will vote all of the tax and spendaholics out of office until you get the message. Thank you New Jersey! Virginia way to show the Democrats that your state is not a purple state. Conservatism is on the rise Mr. President and we will go down swinging before we let you destroy our beloved America through weak foreign policy and socialist domestic policy. The White House does not get it though they said the Democrats lost because the voters focused not on Obama but on the poor economy. Who is responsible for the terrible economy? The answer is obvious Obama is responsible for destroying the economy and the voters responded by voting Republican. Also Obama campaigned for the Democrat in New Jersey in fact campaigned for both Corzine and Deeds, making five stops for Corzine and appeared in their advertisements. Apparently the voters were not impressed!
Dear RNC,
You should be ashamed of yourself for backing and appointing fake Republicans. The Democrats won in the 23rd District of New York because the Republican Party handed the victory to the Democrats. The Republicans have not learned that people do not support liberals masquerading as Republicans. They failed to support the true conservative and the ensuing confusion delivered the day to the Democrats. The sad thing is that Owens the Democrat is more conservative than the proposed Republican candidate who dropped out of the race and supported the Democrat. I have not mentioned the "Republican" candidate by name because she is such a loser!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Today is November 3, 2009 and it is election day in America. Ohio has some important issues on the ballot so please do not forget to get out and vote. Polls in Ohio open at 6:30 A.M. and close at 7:30 P.M.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Bills return to the their losing ways at home in Orchard Park, New York. Well Jairus Byrd continued to be awesome in the secondary getting his sixth interception in six starts. T.O. finally scored a touchdown (although it was on a rush) but QB Fitzpatrick was awful barely throwing for 100 yds and 2 INTS. The Bills have fallen to 3-5 and will face the awful Tennesse Titans after a bye week. All I can say is that this BYE week will probably be the best week of the 2009 Bill's season and that is just sad.
Bills return to the their losing ways at home in Orchard Park, New York. Well Jairus Byrd continued to be awesome in the secondary getting his sixth interception in six starts. T.O. finally scored a touchdown (although it was on a rush) but QB Fitzpatrick was awful barely throwing for 100 yds and 2 INTS. The Bills have fallen to 3-5 and will face the awful Tennesse Titans after a bye week. All I can say is that this BYE week will probably be the best week of the 2009 Bill's season and that is just sad.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Apparently Hilary Clinton and the rest of the divine messengers from the Obama White House have a message for Pakistan: you are soft on terror! This is an amazing statement coming from the White House which is unwilling to heed General McChrystal's request for more troops in Afghanistan. The liberals and the Obama White House keep ranting and raving about the war being in Pakistan not Afghanistan, but this is a gross oversimplification. This seems to be to be more of the defeatist shell game they have been playing since the 2008 election when they claimed it wasn't Iraq we should focus on it was Afghanistan and now they claim it’s actually Pakistan. The actual situation is that the liberals hate war and they refuse to fight for freedom and so they continually create smoke and mirrors diversions to hide and obscure the facts on the ground. Here is a news flash for the Obama White House Afghanistan and Pakistan are not separate issues the presence of terrorists in both countries undermines the security of all Southeast Asia and by extension the United States. The Terrorists who attacked America on 9/11/01 were training in Afghanistan but these same terrorists use the porous border between Afghanistan and Pakistan to conduct their guerilla warfare and terrorist activity.
To make matters worse Secretary of State Clinton on her visit to Pakistan came out and accused Pakistan of not capturing Osama Bin Laden and not taking adequate steps to combat terror. This charge is both ludicrous and hypocritical what has the Obama White House done to fight terrorism other than launch some missiles from unmanned drones. The answer is very little and to win the war on terrorism you have to have boots on the ground rooting out terrorists and destroying their physical networks, safe havens and infrastructure. Drone fired missiles will harm the terrorists but they will not ultimately defeat the terrorists. Instead of criticizing other people from Pakistan to George W. Bush how about doing something Mrs. Clinton? America has also been pursuing Osama Bin Laden to no avail so stop shifting the blame in typical liberal fashion and actual do something productive.
Bottom line the Obama White House has no credibility criticizing other governments for failed foreign policy when they are single handily lowering America’s status worldwide. Instead of apologizing to the world and/or ripping our allies a new one how about aiding our allies in the global war on terror? Pakistan has a flawed and inconsistent track record in fighting against Islamic extremists, but we should give them the military aid and intelligence they need to win the war against the terrorists and not take cheap shots that help nothing. For a White House that promised hope and change all I see is a lot of hot air and self-righteous preening. Clinton accused Pakistan of not wanting to defeat Al-Qaeda sounds like Pakistan is taking a page out of the Obama playbook. If the White House is concerned about defeating Al-Qaeda why are they doing the following: (1) harassing CIA officials who protected America with potential prosecution (2) closing Guantánamo Bay and (3) criticizing the foreign policy of a former POTUS who had Al-Qaeda on their heels and the list goes on and on ...
To make matters worse Secretary of State Clinton on her visit to Pakistan came out and accused Pakistan of not capturing Osama Bin Laden and not taking adequate steps to combat terror. This charge is both ludicrous and hypocritical what has the Obama White House done to fight terrorism other than launch some missiles from unmanned drones. The answer is very little and to win the war on terrorism you have to have boots on the ground rooting out terrorists and destroying their physical networks, safe havens and infrastructure. Drone fired missiles will harm the terrorists but they will not ultimately defeat the terrorists. Instead of criticizing other people from Pakistan to George W. Bush how about doing something Mrs. Clinton? America has also been pursuing Osama Bin Laden to no avail so stop shifting the blame in typical liberal fashion and actual do something productive.
Bottom line the Obama White House has no credibility criticizing other governments for failed foreign policy when they are single handily lowering America’s status worldwide. Instead of apologizing to the world and/or ripping our allies a new one how about aiding our allies in the global war on terror? Pakistan has a flawed and inconsistent track record in fighting against Islamic extremists, but we should give them the military aid and intelligence they need to win the war against the terrorists and not take cheap shots that help nothing. For a White House that promised hope and change all I see is a lot of hot air and self-righteous preening. Clinton accused Pakistan of not wanting to defeat Al-Qaeda sounds like Pakistan is taking a page out of the Obama playbook. If the White House is concerned about defeating Al-Qaeda why are they doing the following: (1) harassing CIA officials who protected America with potential prosecution (2) closing Guantánamo Bay and (3) criticizing the foreign policy of a former POTUS who had Al-Qaeda on their heels and the list goes on and on ...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Apparently there was some black power militant named Luqman Ameen Abdullah in Dearborn, Michigan parading around pretending to be an Islamic Imam. He converted to Islam in prison and believed that killing cops and fighting the government were all parts of his religious duty sounds more like an Ayers protégé than a follower of the Qu'ran. This radical black power "Imam" was engaged in a variety of nefarious criminal activity and was inciting violence against America and died recently in a shootout with FBI agents.
Now it would seem pretty straight forward that Luqman Ameen Abdullah was nothing more than a lunatic militant madman right? Not so according to Dawud Walid, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations' (CAIR) Michigan chapter. According to Mr. Walid speaking as a representative of CAIR:
Now it would seem pretty straight forward that Luqman Ameen Abdullah was nothing more than a lunatic militant madman right? Not so according to Dawud Walid, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations' (CAIR) Michigan chapter. According to Mr. Walid speaking as a representative of CAIR:
He would open up the mosque to homeless people. He used to run a soup kitchen and feed indigent people," Walid said. "I knew nothing of him that was related to any nefarious or criminal behavior."What is it with this organization and their inability or unwillingness to criticize these dangerous homicidal lunatics who masquerade as Muslims? The FBI was attempting to arrest Mr. Abdullah on a number of charges including conspiracy to sell stolen goods and the illegal possession and sale of firearms. Of course CAIR only remembers the soup kitchen saint who helped the homeless. Every time CAIR speaks they embarrass themselves and remove all doubt that they are hopelessly out of touch with reality or else actively refusing to condemn horrifying and illegal behavior by Muslims. This dead Imam preached that no revolution was possible without violence. He taught his followers that it was ok to murder police officers and incite violence. CAIR this was a no-brainer condemn the lunatic and you failed miserably. Please stop defending evil people in these situations you have two rational choices: (1) condemn the evil-doer or (2) refrain from comment.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Horrible Human Being
Chilling statements made by mass murderer Karadzic were played today by Prosecutors at his trial in the Hague. I condone all people who seek to murder innocents for no crime other than religion, color or creed. Apparently Karadzic is not present at his own hearing in the Hague because he is protesting the proceeding. Apparently he believes that murdering 7,000 innocent Muslims including children is not a crime. Or is it that this monster realizes he will be shown no mercy just as he showed no mercy to the innocents he slaughtered. Mr. Karadzic you have been shown mercy you have been given an opportunity to defend yourself this is more than you offered the people your followers murdered. Karadzic's comments are particularly chilling:
"They have to know that there are 20,000 armed Serbs around Sarajevo.... it will be a black cauldron where 300,000 Muslims will die. They will disappear. That people will disappear from the face of the earth."His words speak as loud as his wicked actions and he deserves to be put to death. Mr. Karadzic no one has the right to exterminate people for their religious beliefs not Hitler not you not anyone. God have mercy on the soul of this evil twisted man.
Buffalo has been dismissed as a non-playoff team by hockey experts. In response to the doubters Buffalo responded by winning 6 of their first 8 games and moving into first place in their division. I do not know where the road will take my Sabres this season but so far so good! GO SABRES! Furthermore, Buffalo has climbed 8 spots in the ESPN NHL power rankings from 11 to number 3.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Something is weird these days the Bills have won two straight games to improve to 3-4 on the season. Posting back to back road wins for the first time since 2004 the Bills dropped the Panthers today 20-9. The pathetic thing about this game is all the Carolina fans crying about the loss and dissing the Bills because they were outplayed allegedly by the Panthers. Bills defense gave up over 400 yards of offense but they came up with three interceptions and stopped the Panthers when the game was on the line. Well Carolina only one stat matters and that is the final score. I know all too well about losing games that we should win, but please avoid being sore losers. Also the Bill are no longer in last place in the tough AFC East. Next week the Bills will be annihilated by Houston so this is my week to feel good.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Pakistan making progress against Taliban . . . WILL OBAMA SEND TROOPS TO REGION
The Pakistani army has made major progress against the Pakistani Taliban in their ongoing campaign against the terrorists in South Waziristan. Today the Pakistani army has claimed to have captured the hometown of the country's Taliban chief. The capture of this town is a major blow to the Taliban forces based in the tribal regions of South Waziristan and reports are leaking out that the Taliban fighters are scattered and are abandoning their arms and deserting.
It is clear that Pakistan is taking the threat of Islamic extremism seriously now the question is will President Obama do what is necessary to crush the threat of Islamic extremism in Afghanistan following the lead of Pakistan? Our President needs to follow the recommendations of the military commander on the ground in Afghanistan and send more U.S. troops to help aid in the salvation of Afghanistan from Islamic extremism. In alarming development there has been evidence coming out that suggests that Al-Qaeda is being increasingly linked with the Taliban. This is not suprising considering that the Taliban allowed Al-Qaeda terrorists to train in regions of Afghanistan under the control of the Taliban prior to the 9/11 attacks.
It is clear that Pakistan is taking the threat of Islamic extremism seriously now the question is will President Obama do what is necessary to crush the threat of Islamic extremism in Afghanistan following the lead of Pakistan? Our President needs to follow the recommendations of the military commander on the ground in Afghanistan and send more U.S. troops to help aid in the salvation of Afghanistan from Islamic extremism. In alarming development there has been evidence coming out that suggests that Al-Qaeda is being increasingly linked with the Taliban. This is not suprising considering that the Taliban allowed Al-Qaeda terrorists to train in regions of Afghanistan under the control of the Taliban prior to the 9/11 attacks.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Its embarassing to be a Muslim when . . .
Organizations like CAIR exist and the Reverend Jesse Jackson speaks at allegedly Islamic events which are little more than thinly veiled black power rants citing Islamic terminology. CAIR is about as Islamic as Louis Farrakhan who is NOT A MUSLIM. I am embarrassed by CAIR no wait I am not embarrassed because I refuse to give those idiots one dime or listen to their propaganda. I am a conservative Muslim I am an American and I support our troops! To top off this whole spectacle CAIR is having a motivational speaker/terror suspect speak how absolutely uplifting! Of course CAIR and ISNA will state that he is a religious man and was wrongfully accused whether or not he was his hate filled speeches leave little doubt that he hates freedom and America. A person who gives racist hate filled speeches does not deserve recognition or praise. The fact that he was listed as a potential conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing is alarming to me. Also the very fact that he is a former member of the Nation of Islam is enough to discredit him in my eyes as nothing more than a racist fool. The bottom line if CAIR wants to claim that they have no extremist views then why are they continuing to have controversial and alarming keynote speakers. Certainly if they tried they could have speakers who believe in the messages of peace and love and don't fantasize about worldwide caliphates.
Part 2
In response to some of the comments and criticism I have received regarding this post let me respond. I understand that ISNA has done a lot of positive things for Muslim-Americans in America. My criticism of ISNA was a criticism of the Islamic world in general and that is a tendency to refuse to take public stances against radical or extremist viewpoints and people. ISNA basically stated that nothing was wrong with this radical Imam and that people really liked hearing him speak. They failed to address his more extreme views and his questionable past escapades. Many Muslims in America tend to either bury their head in the sand when idiots speak for our religion or softly chastise them. I say enough is enough! I will speak out and stand up I will defend American and everything it stands for and still be a proud MUSLIM.
Part 2
In response to some of the comments and criticism I have received regarding this post let me respond. I understand that ISNA has done a lot of positive things for Muslim-Americans in America. My criticism of ISNA was a criticism of the Islamic world in general and that is a tendency to refuse to take public stances against radical or extremist viewpoints and people. ISNA basically stated that nothing was wrong with this radical Imam and that people really liked hearing him speak. They failed to address his more extreme views and his questionable past escapades. Many Muslims in America tend to either bury their head in the sand when idiots speak for our religion or softly chastise them. I say enough is enough! I will speak out and stand up I will defend American and everything it stands for and still be a proud MUSLIM.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Leave free speech alone President Obama! Fox News is to conservatives what MSNBC and CNN is to liberals with one important exception. CNN and MSNBC never dare to criticize or stand against the Democrats and certainly never criticize President Obama. Fox News has a conservative bent but Fox News is willing to report negatively on both political parties in America and all Presidents past and present. I do not always agree with Fox News, but I can say that they are the best news organization out there in an imperfect profession.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I BILLieve in Ryan Fitzpatrick
BILLS PULL OFF THE UPSET! Starting quarterback Trent Edwards went out of the game today for Buffalo with an injury early in the game. The Bills were down 13-3 but held strong today and ended up beating the Jets in overtime 16-13 for a much needed divisional win today on the road. The Bills battered secondary preyed on Rookie sensation Mark Sanchez picking him off 4 times! The best part was I actually got to watch this game because the Patriots were so savagely beating down the the Titans that they actually pulled the game feed from Foxboro and showed the Bills game. This is the first time in over 9 years that I have watched the Buffalo Bills win on television in Columbus. GO BILLS!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Pray for Pakistan Pray for the World
Pakistan has begun one of their largest military operations to date against the terrorist strongholds located on the Pakistani-Afghani Border. This is a crucial battle that will have far reaching repercussions. If these terrorists are not engaged and defeated in Pakistan they will continue to spread and terrorize the rest of Pakistan, Southwest Asia and eventually the entire world. I applaud Pakistan for not allow the Talibanization of their Republic. These terrorists have no regard for human life and they need to be annihilated.
Friday, October 16, 2009
In addition to funding international terrorism apparently Saudi Oil companies also kill innocent animals. According to one seriously distraught Bedouin a large Saudi Oil firm is responsible for killing his beautiful camel! Oh the humanity! Apparently this beautiful camel was quite a looker because the man is requesting a quarter million dollars in compensation. The owner was quoted in the Saudi Gazette as saying:
"She was part of the Camel Beauty Contest[.]"Only in Saudi Arabia land of unearned wealth would they have such extraordinary contests like a camel beauty contest. Apparently this years contest will be missing one of its leading ladies.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Apparently the Taliban does not know our President because they accused him of being a murderer and not deserving of a Nobel Peace prize. Isn't this the same organization that Obama is in favor of working with in Afghanistan! Oops! I guess once again Obama is unaware that one of his potential bedfellows is a poisonous rat this is really becoming an alarming pattern for the POTUS.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Religious Runaway to Return Home
The Muslim girl who converted to Christianity has been ordered to return to Franklin County by the Florida Court. This case to me has never been about religion other than the fact that certain people on both sides tried to manipulate religious differences to create drama. I only pray that the girl and her family can find some peace and re-establish a relationship. You only have one family and to lose that connection would be heart-breaking. Regardless, of your religious denomination family is family.
I come from a family of Roman Catholics and my decision to embrace Islam was not universally popular within my family at the time I made the decision. My wife is also Muslim and now I have a blended Christian-Muslim family. I have never had anything but respect for Christians and Jewish people.
I come from a family of Roman Catholics and my decision to embrace Islam was not universally popular within my family at the time I made the decision. My wife is also Muslim and now I have a blended Christian-Muslim family. I have never had anything but respect for Christians and Jewish people.
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