Friday, July 29, 2011

Hatred by any other name

First I need to extend my deepest condolences and prayers to the nation of Norway and the family of the innocent victims slaughtered by a madman seeking a new revolution to "cleanse" Europe.  I believe that this horrible incident of mass murder is a good opportunity to speak about the issue of intolerance and Islamophobia.  In almost all media outlets as word of the Norway massacre slowly seeped out there was a consesus forming that a muslim terrorist had committed this act of unspeakable horror.  Something struck me as wrong about this incident and as a Muslim I commented to my wife that this does not seem right.  I was convinced that a Muslim was not responsible for this act of mass murder.  Also I believe that no true follower of Islam would ever commit an act such as this because Islam is a religion of peace and the true believers respect all humanity.  Those who claim to follow Islam and preach hate or death they are lost and will reside in the hell fire because they have twisted and distorted the message of the Prophet Muhammad (PBH) and the All Knowing Creator, ALLAH.  Eventually the media released information that the Norwegian murderer was not a Muslim in fact he was a virulent Islamophobic, Xenophobic delusional "Christian".  I will go on the record as stating that this monster is not a Christian anymore than Osama Bin Laden is a Muslim.  Both of these fools are demons or some form of evil lower animal.  As time passed this lunatics writing and ramblings via a manifesto were released and what we learned was very troubling essentially this murderer wanted to punish Norway for accepting foreign immigration and cleanse his country through some sort of violent upheaval.  It is important to note that many "respectable" websites such as Atlas Shrugged and Jihad Watch were among the preferred and recommend sites of this sociopath.  The point is very simple websites like Atlas Shrugged pose as libertarian free thinking website but they are beacons of hate and intolerance and a meeting point and inspiration for psychopaths such as the Norway murderer.  I have not used his name because I will not honor him by addressing him by first name he does not deserve this respect from me or anyone else.  Bottom line websites that preach hate whether they are neo-con, xenophobic, jihadist or pretending to be libertarian only accomplish one thing and that thing is promotion of hate and ignorance.

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