Sunday, July 17, 2011


There was a lot of people making excuses for Herman Cain when he made offensive comments about his stance on allowing Muslims to serve on his Cabinet.  Well there can no longer be a defense of this idiot he is a full-blown islamophobe and/or a hypocrite.  He says that he is not against Islam or Muslims but believes that communities should be allowed to ban mosques from being built in their towns.  His reasoning well Islam is different because it includes a set of laws aka the infamous and often misunderstood Sharia law and also a religion.  Mr. Cain is an idiot, a bigot and clearly not an Islamic scholar this people repeatedly slander Islam with only the most elementary and highly distorted view of what our religion actually entails.  It is a sad and terrifying prospect that an imbecile like Herman Cain could be the next POTUS.  This is also a teachable moment that hate speech has no position among civilized people and for the GOP an opportunity to demonstrate whether they stand with religious freedom or with close-minded bigotry.

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