Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Preserving Liberty by putting people in jail

In one of the greatest examples of hypocrisy and stupidity to date the Belgium parliment is proposing to jail women who wear burqa.  The reasoning and rational is that the burqa is contrary to a free and liberal society.  This logic is both aggravating and childish how does one promote freedom by restricting the religious and personal freedom of its citizens.  That is like is like ending poverty by shooting poor people!  Here is my favorite quote from these right wing "freedom lovers" in the Belgium Parliment. 
Wearing the burqa in public is not compatible with an open, liberal, tolerant society," said MP Daniel Bacquelaine, from a French-speaking centre right party who proposed the bill.
Please tell me Daniel what is open, liberal or tolerant about restricting people's manner of dress or freedom of religion.  In a truly open and free society the individual members of the so called free society would be left to their own devices to live life as they saw fit unless their freedom harmed or restricted the freedom of others.  Banning the burqua is about control and about enforcing a society's values on each and every member regardless of the desires of the oppressed. 

Personally as a Muslim I disagree with burqua and I believe that hijab is not mandatory either for women.  My wife does not wear hijab except to masjid for prayer.  However, if a woman desires to wear burqua or hijab or a potato sack then a truly free society should step aside and promote freedom by doing nothing.  This legislation in Belgium is anti-Islamic plain and simple and it sets a dangerous precedent that people's freedom are subject to the whims of people who disagree or disapprove.

The burqa is contrary to the dignity of women. It is a walking prison."
This is funny because the ban carries a penalty of jail time between 5 and 7 days in jail.  Burqua is a walking prison so to teach this women we will send them to JAIL!

He added: "We cannot allow someone to claim the right to look at others without being seen. "It is necessary that the law forbids the wearing of clothes that totally mask and encloses an individual."
This comment is just to stupid to merit a response!

Denis Ducarme MP, also from the centre-right Reform Movement, added: "This is a very strong signal that is being sent to Islamists. I am proud that Belgium would be the first country in Europe which dares to legislate on this sensitive matter."
Message is loud and clear Belgium for the Belgians all others stay out!  Your lesson is one of intolerance and hatred!  This is laughable and this same people complain about immigration of Muslims and they effect on European society if you legislate against Muslims do you expect them to cooperate and become compliant lapdogs.  This is troubling free countries promote freedom not segregation.

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