Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Terror Rehab

Apparently you can erase those violent jihadist tendencies with just one trip to the Saudi Jihad-Out training camp its like stain remover for your extremist soul!  I am not sure what one could accomplish in a Wahhabi country in regards to becoming a reformed terrrorist or even what the term reformed terrorist means?  Something makes me wonder how someone can go from psychopath to gentle lover of humanity in just a few simple steps thanks to the Saudis.  I am going to file this under suspect and do some more investigation.  After all I would one hundred percent support any program that could change extremists into pacifist but the preliminary results from the programs graduates are not very promising. 
The program was widely praised by American and foreign counterterrorism officials until 11 of its graduates, nearly half of them former prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, showed up in Yemen, the latest battleground in the militant Islamists' holy war against regional and foreign "infidels."

When asked what the proud graduates were doing in Yemen they stated seeing the sights and purchasing coffee duh!

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