Monday, January 25, 2010

Favre replaces Kelly on NFL record wall of shame

I am not attempting to add to the Anti-Favre traffic on the internet this Monday morning because frankly I do not care about him one way or the other.  I was cheering for the Vikings last night, but with that said let me thank Favre for setting a new NFL record.  The NFL record that Favre set last night was for most post-season interceptions a record formerly held by Jim Kelly of the Buffalo Bills.  The former record for most interception in the post-season was 28 by Jim Kelly and Favre yesterday secured his place in infamy with 30 career post-season interceptions.  This brough me a small modicum of joy because now at least one more source of shame for the Bills has been placed to rest.  I loved and still to this day love Jim Kelly the greatest Bills quarterback since Jack Kemp (R.I.P.) and I am praying that this year we draft the next great Buffalo quarterback.  Once again thank you Brett Favre for throwing the picks and saving some face for Buffalo.

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