California is on Fire From Monterey to San Diego
2 hours ago
ATF spokesman Eric Kehn told CNN on Monday night the investigation is continuing. "We have no reason to think it's a hate crime," he said. (emphasis added)Excuse me this is a hate crime and the people who committed this heinous act are TERRORISTS! Terrorism is defined by Merriam Webster "as the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion." Whether the person is using Islamic ideology to justify heinous attacks on innocent civilians or using misguided senses of Patriotism and warped Christianity to attack intimidate and burn down mosques both of these people would be terrorists.
The Congressional Budget Office said the added spending includes $10 billion to $20 billion in administrative costs to federal agencies carrying out the law, as well as $34 billion for community health centers and $39 billion for Indian health care.The real question is would Obama really veto additional government entitlement spending and go against the wishes of liberal Congress? Excuse my rampant skepticism and I will go on the record as saying that the chances of President Obama vetoing any part of his health care reform baby are zero and I have more faith in a professional sports team from Buffalo winning a super bowl ring. Obama will not veto any portion of this bloated health care bill and even if he did show some fiscal restraint and kill a portion of this terrible bill it would be too little too late. Taking $115 billion out of this trillion dollar monster would be like claiming victory over drug addiction because a junkie could refrain from using on tuesdays and thrusdays. It will not matter in the end this healthcare bill is toxic and clipping the fingernails of the monster won't change a bad bill into a beauty queen.
Wearing the burqa in public is not compatible with an open, liberal, tolerant society," said MP Daniel Bacquelaine, from a French-speaking centre right party who proposed the bill.Please tell me Daniel what is open, liberal or tolerant about restricting people's manner of dress or freedom of religion. In a truly open and free society the individual members of the so called free society would be left to their own devices to live life as they saw fit unless their freedom harmed or restricted the freedom of others. Banning the burqua is about control and about enforcing a society's values on each and every member regardless of the desires of the oppressed.
The burqa is contrary to the dignity of women. It is a walking prison."This is funny because the ban carries a penalty of jail time between 5 and 7 days in jail. Burqua is a walking prison so to teach this women we will send them to JAIL!
He added: "We cannot allow someone to claim the right to look at others without being seen. "It is necessary that the law forbids the wearing of clothes that totally mask and encloses an individual."
This comment is just to stupid to merit a response!
Denis Ducarme MP, also from the centre-right Reform Movement, added: "This is a very strong signal that is being sent to Islamists. I am proud that Belgium would be the first country in Europe which dares to legislate on this sensitive matter."Message is loud and clear Belgium for the Belgians all others stay out! Your lesson is one of intolerance and hatred! This is laughable and this same people complain about immigration of Muslims and they effect on European society if you legislate against Muslims do you expect them to cooperate and become compliant lapdogs. This is troubling free countries promote freedom not segregation.
The program was widely praised by American and foreign counterterrorism officials until 11 of its graduates, nearly half of them former prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, showed up in Yemen, the latest battleground in the militant Islamists' holy war against regional and foreign "infidels."