I was sitting in my apartment attempting to watch a movie when some person below me starting ranting and raving black power anti-white diatribes. My favorite line was something about not being able to buy liquor or hookers in the ghetto without the white man' s interference this awesome dude ranted for about an hour. I just felt that it was awesome that since Obama's election more and more idiots are rambling about false race issues. Obama is the messiah and his election was supposed to begin a post-racial era in America there was one catch: No one told the black and white racists and they are still up to their same old race-baiting speeches. Obama's election has had zero effect on race relations because race relations are a joke in the sense that people get along with people and misanthropes still hate all humanity but masquerade under various banners to dress up the simple fact that they hate themselves and all of humanity. Race is a red herring and it is way too often played by the American left and the Democratic Party. I feel bad for the Democrats they are in bed with lunatics in order to form a political constituency. Also, I feel bad for the GOP having to be in bed with libertarians and the Christian Right. Bottom line no one cares about myopic and distorted views espoused by all lunatic fringe groups such as my Nation of Islam neighbor. Here is my ten cents "broth" the white man controls nothing more than the black man its all about money and money folds the same in all hands so get a life and stop watching MSNBC, listening to Jesse Jackson and Jeremiah Wright and finally your black power buddies murdered Malcolm.
Black Power Dude part 2
Apparently the 17 year old Black Panther who lives below me is once again expounding on his profound wealth of knowledge and wisdom. He has been ranting about white people for two hours this is the same proud Black Panther who had a white girlfriend less than a week ago and was singing a song about having jungle fever. My personal theory is that this idiot lost a white girlfriend and this has shown him the truly sinister and racist views of all whites in America. What better authority than a failed relationship on which to base your perception of racial politics in America. I hope for Christmas Black Power dude delivers a real zinger of a Black Power rant and I can gather around my non-existent Christmas tree and toast Obama and his historic election which ended racism (?), my neighbor and the baby Jesus. Oh and one last thing when the neighbor was done ranting about white people and how much he hates us he played beatles songs on his guitar. He strummed out songs from the "Abbey Road" album while his mother sang along. I could not make this stuff up if I tried proud Prince of Africa stick it to the man by playing the whitest songs in America via England.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
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